Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Describe a memorable Valentine you received.
Of course, we exchanged valentines all through grade school. I was proud of the number of valentines I received each year. Valentines from Paul Nock meant the most to me, because he was my first boyfriend. We were in our early teens. Paul was a fellow Christian and was generous with his gifts. I wonder how much delicious chocolate I enjoyed because of Paul's expressions of love! We never held hands, nor hugged, nor kissed each other. We were simply good friends.
Perhaps the best "valentine" from Paul was the small note he put on his heart when he learned that "unus" meant one. His Latin teacher gave him a romantic idea (without knowing it!) He explained to me that I was unus=Number One - First on his heart. I think that was the nearest moment to romance I had during my teen years!

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