Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Company at The House

Did the pastor or a visiting missionary ever come to your house for dinner or tea? Share one vivid experience.
How about several vivid experiences? Dr. Goodwin, General Supt., visited our home when my little sister Esther was a baby (a baby - yes, but she could undress and she could walk!) Dr. Goodwin was at the table, enjoying Mother Kendall's delightful cooking, when my cute little sister decided to make the general's visit even more delightful. She came marching joyfully into the dining room completely in the nude! Mother was tremendously shocked, but the general handled the case with ease!
General Supt. Strickland and his wife visited us in El Salvador. We had a wonderful visit. But when the taxi came to pick up the Stricklands and their luggage to take them to the airport, he mistakenly picked up our big bag of trash, set out for the trash man. We stopped him just in time. Can you imagine the confusion hat would have occurred in customs at the Miami airport?

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