Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hardest Thing To Do

What was the hardest thing you ever had to do?
I could write this answer with facetious intent and claim that the hardest thing I ever had to do was to eat peas when my dad forced me to eat them!
In reality, facing what seemed to be the probability of losing my husband, when in Chiclayo, Peru, he had a severe heart attack, was the roughest period of my life. Our lives had become so thoroughly intertwined in missionary vision, as well as in a joyful wholesome marriage, that losing him seemed impossible.
But God furnished great grace to both of us. Fellow missionaries surrounded us with love. Dr. Greathouse came to our home during our district assembly and was a great boost. Fishermen from Santa Rosa came to our house and prayed for Larry's healing. I still believe the Lord responded to their faith. Larry's still alive in 1998, (actually this is being typed in 2007 and he is still living!) and our love is richer and our missionary vision vibrantly alive!

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