Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Memory of Grandparents

Share a memory of your grandparents or an older person you loved
I loved Grandma Kendall and Grandpa Bond, and admired them, but early in life I sensed a special attachment to my Aunt Frances, a sister of my father. Grandpa Kendall had died when my father was only four years old. Aunt Frances took a role of mother - father- aunt, and more. She took responsibility at home but earned the family income as an outstanding public school teacher. People in Cynthiana, Ohio recognized her skill and admired her. After she had taught for several years the local politicians tried to force her to vote in favor of their candidates. Aunt Frances was willing to lose her teaching job (25 years of first -class service) rather than yield to unethical political pressure. But God supplied her needs. She continued to care for her invalid mother and for other members of the family who came to her for help. She was very active in her church (Church of Christ in Christian Union). The church folk and all the rest of us admired and loved her. She was Christlike.

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