Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Grandparent's Houses

Describe your grandparents' houses. Did you visit them often? Why or why not?
Grandpa Bond, my mother's dad, lived in Bainbridge, Ohio, a small town. My Grandmother Alpharetta Crook Bond, had died when Mother was only 13 years old. So he had married Clara, whom we called Aunt Clara, instead of Grandma. We had a lot of fun playing with Harold, their son (my half uncle), who was just a few years older than I. He was a big tease. We liked his dog, Ring, and were fond of the yellow apples that fell off the trees in Grandpa's yard.
Mary Sparger Kendall was my dad's mother. His father had died when my dad was a very small child. She and my dad's sister, Frances, lived in Cynthiana, Ohio, a small town not far from Bainbridge. Her home had been a log cabin but was covered with regular lumber siding. We visited Grandpa Bond, then would go to Grandma Kendall's every summer. We enjoyed the train trips on the old D.T. and I. that took us to that area once a year

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